
How we provided COVID safe portable toilets to the army

How We Provided COVID Safe Portable Toilets to the Army

by Splashdown Group |

Splashdown is proud to be recognised as supplying some of the world's best COVID safe portable toilet solutions. Our UK branch has been asked to supply thousands of our COVID safe portable toilets, showers, urinals and handwashing stations to the UK Defence force.

Why Does the UK Army Need COVID safe portable toilets?

Unlike Australia, in the UK public toilets have been banned. This is due to the high risk of COVID transmission in communal facilities. This means schools, hospitals, workplaces, restaurants, parks etc. have had to close their public toilets.
As part of their COVID response and in line with NATO civil preparedness requirements; the UK Military of Defence is also undertaking certain measures to contain the spread of COVID. These include adjusting the sanitation landscape of army barracks, which is where our portable toilets, showers and handwashing stations come in. We are installing these in barracks across the country on a semi-permanent basis (long-term lease).

How are our toilets COVID safe?

While arguably nothing is truly COVID safe, our portable toilets and showers do have additional features that significantly reduce the likelihood of spreading COVID. Unlike traditional communal toilet blocks and showers, our products have:

  • Welded polypropylene to reduce areas where germs can be trapped
  • Single independent cubicles with external access and no communal areas
  • Anti-microbial, no polar surfaces sterilisable up to 130 degrees. celcius
  • Medical Style Touchless Taps.
View our COVID safe sanitation page to find out more about our products for hire in Australia.

Is anything like this happening in Australia?

Splashdown has sent several emails to peak bodies across Australia to advise them of our COVID safe product range for hire. While COVID continues to be an ongoing threat to the community, we will be on standby in our Australian offices to respond to any new government regulations around the use of communal toilets, showers and water bubblers. If you are concerned about your business and want to explore our COVID safe sanitation options, please contact us on 07 5525 3545

Splashdown QLD | 16 Mercantile Ct Molendinar QLD 42124