
Festival Toilet Hire | Combatting the Queues at Festivals

Festival Toilet Hire | Combatting the Queues

by Splashdown Group |

Common Causes of Queues

Organisers need to be aware of the common causes of queues outside festival toilets which can be avoided by maintaining the hired toilets to avoid damage, and creating detailed and well-explained maps showing where the types are located. Splashdown offers a range of bathroom options for large events and will provide the perfect experience for organisers and guests alike.

5 Top Tips for Using a Festival Toilet

1) The Calm Before the Storm Keep an Eye on When the Quiet Times Are. For example, avoid setting off to queue at the end of the popular performances. Usually the excitement is enough for most people to endure a full bladder until a session break!

2) Look Further Away Toilets Often there is a build-up of queues at the toilets closest to the stage. This could also suggest that they are cleaner! However, at most festivals, the toilets are cleaned at least once a day and you can usually find out what time this happens.

3) Allow Time and Plan Ahead Make sure to start walking towards said further away toilets in good time and go before any of your favourite acts.

4) Ladies, Embrace the Shewee Wondering what a Shewee is? Well, it is basically a funnel invention to allow women to urinate standing up without the need to remove any clothing or have a toilet nearby. Takes practice but is an experience!

5) Try Not to Eat Curry and other... shall we say, foods that increase toilet usage…

6) Wake up early to use the loo before the demand builds up. This is also the best time to attempt a shower if available.

7) Try not to inhale! Unless you're using one of our luxury or vacuum toilet systems, toilets can be gross. We recommend a little Vapor rub for this situation. Just rub a little under your nose before using a festival toilet to mask the smell!

8) Bring Your Own Toilet However, stocked at the start, chances are you’ll find yourself in a roll free situation. So always best to carry your own or some toilet wipes just in case.

9) Always Wash Your Hands Number one cause of sickness at a festival is people not washing their hands. We offer hand washing facilities but not all festival toilets will have this option so make sure to carry some hand sanitiser for emergencies.

10) Avoid Jumpsuits – Dress for Speed After queuing for a long time and feeling pretty desperate, you do not want to be dealing with loads of buttons or get trapped in your outfit. Also make sure to test if they are dance proof!

Whether it’s Harbourlife, Lost Paradise, Strawberry Fields, or any of the other great festivals still to come, make sure you remember our top festival toilet tips and keep hydrated!

Splashdown QLD | 16 Mercantile Ct Molendinar QLD 42124